A few weeks back, one of the editors of Bad Yogi Blog asked if I would like to be interviewed for their #NOFILTER campaign which is basically yogis expressing how they truly feel, it’s totally honest, organic and not delicately wrapped in fluff.
“Success to me is freedom to be myself; it is knowing nobody has power over you so go do those things that make you happy! To know that essentially we’ve only got one life we need to make the most of it, so enjoy it and if we do reincarnate then its so important to truly love, forgive, be kind and take pleasure in happiness because you don’t want to bring any karmic shit back into your next life! Success is living in the moment whether that is reading a good book on a rainy afternoon or skinny-dipping under the full moon. Success is enjoying your human body; it is the outfit your soul has chosen to wear. Success is never giving up and knowing that money, cars, fancy things do not measure how successfully you are living life because all those things are shallow and you can’t take them with you when you die, success is the falling away of societal pressure to be “normal”, it is just being yourself which is sadly seen as abnormal, so go be beautifully peculiar!”
You can read the full interview here:BAD YOGI #NOFILTER INTERVIEW: KATIE NESS