A friend of mine Cara, who is also a lifestyle blogger recently published a blog post about turning 29 and listed all the things she’d like to try and do before she is 30. This inspired me to do the same, obviously I am no longer 30, I turned 31 October 2017 but I have plenty of things I wish to achieve before I do the whole settle down-get married-have kids milestone. A lot of the things on this list will be travel related but there is no particular order. So this is my three year plan of things I want to do before I become a mum.
1: Get my 4th and 5th tattoos.
2: Publish a book, I’ve always wanted to do this & I’m working on an illustrated poetry book.
3: Visit Ireland & Scotland because these places are part of my heritage.
4: Have my own home and loving partner.
5: Do my yoga teacher training.
6: Visit Bali.
7: Go skydiving just once, I’ll be petrified but I’ll do it!
8: Start learning how to grow my own herbs.
9: Organize or be a part of a yoga project to help others
10: Learn to rollerskate and attend adult ballet classes for flexibility.
11: Learn to trust people again, create close friendships.
12: Try doing a spoken word poem performance or poetic meditations.
13: I’d love to be published with a magazine.
14: Be able to do the splits (childhood dream).
15: Teach internationally (alongside my local classes), perhaps Spain and Portugal?
16: Visit Bali (again)
17: Swim with Dolphins (Making sure they are not in captivity).
18: Go hot air ballooning somewhere amazing (not the UK).
19: Visit a place of paradise (like the Maldives) as part of my honeymoon.
20: Train in Yin yoga, yoga nidra and become a Rhythm of Beauty therapist.
Wish me luck! That’s a pretty epic list! A lot of these things I know I will achieve within the next few years (I hope) and you’ll notice I didn’t include any European destinations to travel to and that’s because, whilst I may go on mini breaks to maybe be a guest teacher (who knows), I am fully aware that places like Italy, Czech Republic and Spain are easy to visit with kids, so certain destinations will be put on hold until I have kids to go on family holidays in Europe.
It’s a lot harder to visit the Far East with children and sometimes less fun when you have to be responsible for little people.