Lisa Park: Multidisciplinary Artist


I adore art installations that are centered on the mind, performance, psychology, the brain, emotions and water. Lisa Park manages to bring all these subjects together creating a mandala-like structure using bowels filled with water which are then wired up to sensors and a monitor that reads Lisa’s brain waves as she provokes emotion with her mind. This is truly beautiful to watch as Lisa combines EEG scanning with speakers and pools of water to visualize her thoughts and emotions; placing five water-filled metal plates atop speakers designed to respond to her real-time brain data.

Water since ancient civilizations and in modern psychology have linked it with emotion and the subconscious and so we are given a beautiful visual of her exploration into the depths of her emotions. In the video below there is an element of peace as she sets up her installation and sits in the middle in concentration to encourage the water in the bowls to vibrate. Park is literally putting her inner struggles on display, and the whole show depends on how she deals with her feelings. This is a very meditative performance piece that gives the viewer a glimpse into Lisa’s sacred, emotional minscape.

Eunoia from Lisa Park on Vimeo.

You can visit Lisa’s website here to see more of her work: Lisa Parks

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