In this article published with Yogi Approved I write a little bit about my first ever class I taught and discuss the 7 things I have learned as a newbie kids yoga teacher. I had a great time writing this because it was just so nice to reminisce about my summer spent working at the Language school…
“I was a newly qualified kids yoga teacher . . . fresh out of my training, with bundles of ideas. Amidst all of my excitement, I agreed to teach my first yoga class. Soon, my commitment sank in and the nerves did as well. I was worried if this was something I could truly facilitate or if it was a huge mistake.
Prior to this, I taught art workshops and belly dance classes in the community. But teaching yoga is very different than teaching art, and all the knowledge I gained from my previous teaching experience went out the window. I had to tap into my intuition and just go with the flow. Que Sera, Sera!…”
View the full article here: 7 simple pieces of advice for teaching yoga to kids