Budapest: Vienna, Austria Day Trip

During our five days in Budapest we found out we could hop on a train (5am start, on the train at 6am) and spend a day in Vienna, Austria! Arriving in the city at 9am we had until the last train of the day (9pm) to cram in as much site-seeing as we possibly could. The train ticket for the three hour journey cost about 13 euros which is just over £10. I am unsure if prices change or have changed since we visited but at least this gives you a ballpoint figure. Prices may also vary depending on the time you go and if you want first class, I am pretty sure we booked a generic ticket as we don’t mind sitting in the cheap seats, all you need is a good book, music and good company and you are all set!

Vienna is very elegant and pristine. You can see that the locals are extremely proud of their city. It feels safe, very well looked after and very sophisticated. All the buildings and streets are flawless and many Viennan’s can be seen walking out of opera houses, theatres and concerts in their luxurious cars and stylish clothing. This city is needless to say, expensive to live in, let alone visit but if you are someone who enjoys culture, history and opulent lifestyle then Vienna is for you. Although I am glad I visited Vienna, I did not like the aloof atmosphere and it felt almost too immaculate to enjoy, whereas Budapest had a slightly grungy, boho vibe that implied the lifestyle was down to earth and vibrant, Vienna felt like I was walking around a huge exhibition I was not allowed to touch.



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Budapest: Buda

The Buda side to Budapest is just across the bridges and is very accessible to get to.
Buda is small and very elegant. You can opt to stay on this side of the river but it will be more expensive.
Buda is the higher-class part of town, where you’ll find million dollar homes and Bentley’s gracing the quiet tree-lined streets. You’ll also find a lot of beauty and history too, including many of the famous landmarks that make Budapest the beautiful city it is today. Walking the cobbled streets lined with sweet trees and beautiful fountains gives you a sense of peace and it is probably best to go during the shoulder season or off peak to miss the crowds of tourists, you need to see this place when it is quiet and just marvel at the beautiful architecture without too many people around ruining your view.




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Yogi Approved: Interview with Rachel Wainwright


A while ago I interviewed the lovely Krista Marie Starr for Yogi Approved. My most recent article has just been published in which I interview the beautiful Rachel Wainwright and we discuss her journey from Yogi to teacher to being the founder of Exhale yoga retreats & teacher trainings. Rachel is very good friends with Meghan Currie and they work together closely to create amazing yoga teacher trainings in Bali and Nicaragua.
Rachel was a delight to interview so without further adieu follow the link here:
Get to know a Yogi: Rachel Wainwright

Budapest: Pest

For my 30th Birthday in 2015, my partner Jon surprised me with a 5 day mini break to Budapest, Hungary!
Being totally gullible, I actually thought we were having a mini break in London and Jon wove this whole story of how we are going to be using his friend’s apartment who is currently away in Europe with work, which means that will help keep costs low (London hotel prices are fucking ridiculous!) and how he’d like to take me to Camden market because I have never been. Even when we got to the airport I still hadn’t clocked what was happening because Jon told me we had to meet his friend at the airport to pick up his apartment keys before he boards his flight. This story seems plausible right?

So we sat on the floor “waiting” for his friend to show up and Jon says “I’ll give you one of your birthday presents now and you’ll get the second one later.” He handed me a little rectangular gift that I opened to discover I was holding a Lonely Planet guide book of BUDAPEST! It took 20 minutes for me to realize this was real and I kept repeatedly saying “So…We are not meeting your friend then?” and “Are we really going to Budapest?”. My puzzled face was a picture and my emotions were a mixture of excitement & confusion. I just couldn’t believe I was getting on a plane to another country for my birthday! How romantic and how special?

I am not usually one for city breaks but I did fall in love with Budapest because it was just so quirky. This is actually a city I could live in and if I was offered the chance to perform or teach a workshop there, I’d go back in a heartbeat. Budapest has much to offer and because it’s a little hidden gem in Europe it is still cheap to fly to at only £58 return. Unlike Prague and even London( which are both extremely expensive thanks to tourism and over-popularity), Budapest has the Prague-like charm and whimsy and the London-like elegance on a cheaper budget.


We stayed at a hotel that was literally across the road from the main train station which would come in handy later on when we decided to go on a day trip to Vienna, Austria towards the end of the holiday. From our hotel it’s a 20 minute walk (or 5 minute bus ride) to the city centre. We opted to walk because on the way you find hidden little churches and beautiful statues or water fountains dotted about, not to mention a lot of the buildings along the way are also worth stopping to marvel at. Budapest is an architect’s dream because you are surrounded by such beautiful designs and interesting sculptures.


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A walk in the Woods {Video}

This is my first ever Yoga video. it’s short and sweet and it started out as tester clips for Jon who was playing around with his new Gimbal which is a type of steady Cam to help him create sweeping, fluid movements for his travel videos.

We went for a walk around a nearby woodland and nature trail and Jon just needed a moving model to practice working with this Gimbal. My yoga is progressing every day but I found it difficult to perform on the spot and also think up poses that would work well for a specific shot. Because I am not fluent in yoga sequencing (other than sun & moon salutations) I could not think up asanas that work with each other but I didn’t let that get me down because this video was spontaneous and playful, it wasn’t meant to be anything special in terms of me being a fricken amazing yogi performing cool stunts but it is special as a memory of a time and a place Jon & I love.

The chosen song is ‘Such great heights’ by Iron & Wine and it is a favourite of mine.

Yogi Approved: The Crown Chakra


In connection to the physical body, the Crown chakra is the entry point for the human life-force which pours abundantly into the body’s energy system from the greater universe (God or the Tao). It is this force that nourishes the body, mind and spirit, and it distributes this energy throughout the physical body and down the lower chakras.

This is why activating the Kundalini energy and the Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala (the main nadis, or energy channels of the body) is vitally important because it not only encourages energy from the base to rise up, but it also enables the Crown chakra energy to freely flow around the body and into the lower chakras.

The seventh chakra influences the major body systems: the central nervous, muscular and skin. Therefore skin issues such as rashes, acne or eczema could mean your Crown chakra is in dis-harmony.

On an emotional level, the Crown chakra generates devotion, inspirational and prophetic thought, mystical connections and transcendental ideas. Having incredible dreams lately? It could be your Crown chakra communicating with you.
To read more, click here: The Crown Chakra: How it connects you to the divine.


Joyful Things 11

The Meddy Teddy is an adorable mindfulness teddy bear that can bend into yoga shapes.
The wild unknown animal spirit cards are officially in stock! I love animal magic & shamanism.
The spider who couldn’t hide video is amusing.
This meadow flower summer dress by Sailaway is divine. Might treat myself.
Celebrities photoshopped to look like their bad fan art. This is rather funny.
The Kid’s try Yoga video is adorable and hilarious!
This all in one organic shampoo/shower gel is amazing, can also be used to wash clothes.
Beautiful, sexy dance video by Brazilian dancers Charles & Arline.
Check out this beautiful tattooed Yogi on Instagram.
Gorgeous retro photos of Iran in the 60’s & 70’s before the revolution and strict dress code.

*Photo by Postcards from Ken & Joann, friends of ours from San Fransisco.

Yogi Approved: The Third Eye


Opening the mind and discriminating between thoughts motivated by strength, fear and illusion are all challenges of the sixth chakra. It is learning to develop an impersonal mind and detaching oneself from physical and mental illusions. We can transcend our thoughts, worries, and fears to know our souls truly from within.

The third eye holds a unique combination of facts, fears, personal experiences and memories that are continually active within the energy of the mental body.

Deciphering what we believe to be true and what is genuinely true is at the core of this chakra. Sometimes a negative memory can manifest as truth to an individual later in life. For example, if a person is made to believe they are fat or ugly their entire life, then this can manifest as fact within their thought patterns and as a result, they will develop body dysmorphia and low self-esteem.

To read more, click here: The Third Eye Chakra: How It Connects Us to Our Intuition


Yogi Approved: The Throat Chakra


The throat chakra is connected to the way you express your life with utmost authenticity. It is about communicating your thoughts, feelings, and intentions clearly and accurately. The throat chakra, also known as the Vishuddha, is the place where we work on expanding our voice and the power of will.

The sacred truth of the Vishuddha is that every choice we make – every thought, every word, and every action is an act of power that has consequences on a biological, environmental, social, personal and global scale. For example: If you choose to stay at home all day watching television and moan about it, you are vocalizing that you are unhappy with your choice but don’t have the willpower to make changes.

In short, your thoughts become things, and this potential of creation stems from the power of the throat chakra.
To read more click here: The Throat Chakra: How it impacts your ability to communicate


Yogi Approved: The Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the central powerhouse of the subtle body. This is the focal point or bridge that connects the first three chakras relating to the external world to the three higher chakras associated with intuition and spirituality. The heart is the mediator between body and spirit, and it directly determines their strength and health.

The heart chakra, or Anahata, deals with unconditional love and emotional power. At its core, this chakra is emotional and propels us to enhance our emotional development. The heart embodies a gentle wisdom that teaches us the ways of love and compassion. It is in this fourth chakra that we begin to recognize that the most powerful energy on earth is Love….

To read more click here: The Heart Chakra: How it impacts your ability to love & be loved