I met Louise during my first Priestess initiation workshop. Being a Priestess or becoming one ultimately means living in rhythm with nature, following the seasons, moon cycles, understanding the symbolism of flowers, the stories of ancient deities and nature spirits, of dream work and meditation which in turn encourages a fledgling Priestess to look inside herself, to heal and learn to guide others on visual and meditative journeys, create ceremonies, sacred feminine workshops and moon blessings. It’s all very deliciously magical stuff that is teaching me to be true to myself for I have always been this way: I’ve always been wild, a free spirited gypsy, a wise woman who sees beyond the veil and because I already live this way and visualize belly dance as a form of devotion to the goddess and nature, it seemed only fitting to bring belly dance and my priestess training together so that I can create beautiful healing workshops for women. Louise was one of the first women to befriend me and she’s been a wonderfully encouraging and inspirational individual at this moment in my life.
Louise reminds me of a lighthouse or the characters in my favourite film “Practical Magic” who are ‘wise women’ or ‘herbalists’ that live in a house that looks like a lighthouse. She is a lighthouse because she has been one of the few people I’ve met who are honest, has integrity and are unafraid to shine. She is also a wildflower- sturdy yet gentle and playful as she dances through life with so much grace. I adore her loving nature, I adore how proud she is of being a full time mother and I love the devotion she has put into her Rhythm of Beauty business, which is truly a unique small business.
Have a read of her interview over a cup of silky, chamomile tea to truly enjoy Louise’s warm personality and beautiful way of life.
Describe who you are and what you do in three sentences or less.
I am a mother of 3 beautiful boys, and wife to my partner Tom. Through my life experience and holistic practice over the last 20 years or so I have blended this into my certified coaching ‘Rhythm of Beauty’, which is a 3 fold business and includes: Crafting & selling Beauty products such as natural skin care moisturizers, flower essences and botanical body lotions. I also facilitate workshops & retreats centered around the seasons & moon cycles and I also offer training to those who wish become a Rhythm of Beauty coach.
Tell us your life journey, when did you first start becoming interested in holistic healing and the benefits of plants and ultimately creating your own business “Rhythm of Beauty” plus your retreats that branch out from that?
Firstly I’ll talk about Rhythm Of Beauty
With over 20 years of experience I have been able to combine the elements of beauty, aromatherapy, herbalism, nutrition, anthropology and psychology into a holistic focus on becoming whole again, I encourage individuals to live a life aligned to their true identity, to navigate a deep exploration within oneself and bring their true self to the surface for all to see, LIVING in-tune, with nature and their own unique purpose.
My seasonal range of products are gifted from nature, sourced with care and offered with sincerity. My Skincare products are infused with living botanicals, oils, and tinctures that truly feed the soul. I Work closely with the seasons and moon cycle to fully capture the essences of the flowers to feed the body’s cells with pure minerals, antioxidants and skin omegas to optimally balance all skin types. The beauty of my products has a harmonious relationship with nature and with our bodies – not only do they work wonders on the skin, they are created so purely that they reach much deeper, working on an emotional and spiritual level – infusions of nature that literally touch the heart and the soul.
I love to spend as much time as possible in my garden, this is my sacred and creative space…..it is quite normal to see me running outside in all weathers, to retrieve an essence bottle or flower that has called out to me from the beauty of the flower and herb, surrounded by the woodlands and the purity of the stream, running through the gardens.
In regards to invoking the power of the moon cycle, my experience has discovered that the power of purification is heightened at a new moon, whereas it is at the full moon, that the potential for the body’s innate wellness, receptivity and nourishment is magnified. Working in harmony with the moon in this way, truly aligns the mind, body and spirit which brings about a powerful wellbeing and healing.
I also facilitate Sacred Spaces and retreats
I focus on empowering individuals to lead healthy lives and I do this by utilizing the abundance and blessings of nature. I blend my experiences, learning and intuition , with bespoke products, one-to-one retreat days and teaching programs – all with the aim of nurturing beauty, lifestyle and soul.
Working with me, I guide you to see that it becomes possible to reconnect to the ‘sacred space’ within ourselves. My grounding presence offers a trusting and safe space to begin to explore deep transformation within yourself and to reach the power and gifts of the divine feminine, so easily buried, in a world where masculine is often seen to lead. This ‘unlocking’ is the re-connection to the true feminine principles within us all – receptivity, gentleness and stillness.
Accessing this internal power, with the gentleness that it is, strikes the AWAKENING of our soul – This is TRUE beauty from within, confidently projected outwards, the wisdom of knowing who you are, fearlessly shining your own light for all to see and being alive in the loving energy of owning your truth…
‘There is nothing if you cannot be yourself… when you are completely yourself, you are simply the most attractive’.
What are your other passions and interests and do they work in conjunction to Rhythm of Beauty?
I love flowers! My house and garden are always filled with flowers and herbs, and I also like to run and practice yoga, these help with my grounding into my body. I love to cook and celebrate life with friends and family- I love simple pleasures and cherishing the beauty of nature.
Why are the seasons and following the moon cycle important to the creation of your products and of your teachings?
The seasons are cyclical just like us as women- they lead us to follow their journey through letting go and harvesting-Autumn, Retreat into stillness-Winter- Rebirth and New Beginnings Spring and Transformation –summer. I like to incorporate this into my products and retreats to teach women-or remind them of their innate connection to nature.
The moon cycle is an ancient practice that has been lost over the years, it is something that helped me overcome feelings of being overwhelmed and exhausted by aligning to its cycle and this is what I use now to coach women to live a balanced life.
Can you give us a glimpse into the Beauty Therapy Training you offer and why does it differ from other Beauty Therapy courses?
Rhythm of Beauty Training is a unique experience it is more like a Retreat- Temple experience for therapist, yogis and practitioners to be nourished and nurtured and taught the power of living in rhythm with mother earth in a practical and grounding way, that then gives them a business tool to integrate into their own practice, with a range of seasonal products to complement their practice which nourishes the practitioner as they work. Once the year is complete they become a certified Rhythm of Beauty Coach, which enables them to align their clients to each season through seasonal nutritional therapy, flower essence therapy, and energy medicine.
What is the biggest struggle you face with your profession? How did you overcome it?
My biggest struggle has been time and keeping the balance with family and work, as my first job is a full time mother to 3 growing boys. I overcome it by taking it one day at a time, enjoying each moment as it comes and taking time out for myself when I feel exhausted. It is so important to pause, even for just a moment, take a bath and just breathe.
How has this holistic path changed your life, what is your personal measure of success and what makes you happy?
I have been on this path for a good 20 years – it is a way of life, that brings me so much joy –as I watch women and men unfurl to their true nature by living in rhythm with mother earth and reconnecting to these gifts. My idea of success is about finding what makes you truly happy and become that passion every single day, live it, explore it, grow from it. I am my most happiest as a full time mother, watching my boys grow is a blessing and being my own boss is also a very rewarding and a fulfilling experience also because I am a free spirit, I am at my best when I have the freedom to forge my own path which also enables me to support my family as a working mum.
What is currently your favorite concoction or flower essence and why?
Magnolia is a very special flower essence for me; it gave me so much wisdom as I was integrating Rhythm of Beauty. Magnolia is the archetype of the queen energy and her essence is something you ‘earn’ just like wearing a crown.
I also have an ancient Dog Rose that rambles up 2 huge beautiful pine trees’ and across our stream, this is such a majestic essence which embodies the 5 pointed star of the goddess- this essence is included in my Guardian Angel of Breast Oil and my Summer Collection to capture the secret language of the rose, for divine healing and to work with the fire element of summer, as rose is the quintessential medicine for the heart, which is the organ in power in the summer.
What advice would you give to those wanting to pursue your profession or any path/lifestyle perhaps considered unconventional to societal ideals?
Follow your heart, live your passion –this uplifts your soul and all you meet, as you will be living your soul’s purpose.
Current books you might be reading or books you have read that you recommend for anyone wanting to pursue a similar path to yours?
Silver Wheel by Elen Tompkins is what I’m currently reading. I have so many books on flowers, herbalism, health, aromatherapy; the list is too long to write here. However it can’t come from books, it all comes from walking the path and learning from nature.
What’s next for you and what are your life goals? Give us a glimpse into your hopes and dreams?
I have just had my courses all certified with CMA Complimentary Medical Association, and my Spa Well Retreat is due to open in a few weeks, which is the flagship of Rhythm of Beauty, where all the products are made, retreats, mentoring and training will take place. I’m also launching a Rhythm of Beauty Flower Essence Diploma the end of this year, alongside writing a seasonal nutritional book. My next goal is to collaborate with a retreat overseas.
I find Louise to be a remarkable and interesting woman. Her energy is both gentle yet refreshing like a soft summers breeze and her products are just divine. I also intend on attending one of her training courses once I have completed all my yoga certifications and my priestess initiation, it feels right to offer more than just the yoga poses or belly dance moves in my classes, I don’t see myself as just a ‘fitness teacher’. I want to offer sacred and magical spaces for women, to incorporate ceremonies and flower essences into my teachings, that would be a dream come true and I believe working with Louise will bring that out of me.
To learn more about Louise, attend one of her retreats or trainings or maybe purchase some of her seasonal products, visit her website here: Rhythm of Beauty
You can also like her on her facebook page: Rhythm of Beauty:Skin-Soul
Want to read other interviews? Click on the links below.
An Interview with Sarah-Yoga Teacher & Psychology graduate
An Interview with Nicole of Pure Soul Holistics

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