What it means to be a Witch: Part Two


Part two of this lengthy article is now published! I may consider a part three to explore other voices and identities within LGBTQA, Black community and men who consider themselves witches or wizards
Part one and two mainly focussed on the women I know from around the world who practice a form of witch craft. It is these beautiful friends that made these articles exist, their voices brought my writing to life but I’d love to expand, I am even considering creating a podcast.
It has been liked 41 times and shared 16 times on Rebelle Society Facebook already!

I am now writing a new script for a meditation and a poetry book collection to be published.

My next large article will explore the Priestess Path so stay tuned for that.

“Magic, like reiki or ch’i, is a force that resides in everything. We cannot see it, but it is there. Like the joy we feel when a baby smiles for the first time, to the warm feeling we get when we bake muffins on a soft September Sunday. Or the fireflies in our hearts when we fall in love. Magic stirs all around us, reminding us that in between the sadness that life can bring weaves an energy of pure love and mystery.

Women for centuries have known this, have felt this, and stitch it into everything they create out of love. Whether that is tending to a garden, cooking for others, creating a poetic incantation or birthing a child. Magic is the act of creation and knowledge with love at its core, it is a loving intention in daily life. A spell is simply a prayer, a song is simply sound healing, potions are just remedies, and poppets are art therapy.”- Katie Ness

Read more here:

What It Means to Be a Witch: From the Voices of Wild Women Describing Their Magickal Path. {Part Two}

Read Part one here:

What It Means to Be a Witch: From the Voices of Wild Women Describing Their Magickal Path. {Part One}

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