Tag Archives: pagan

Super Scorpio Flower Moon

In the pain, there is healing, So I’m holding on.-Lifehouse


Beltane and Full Flower Moon Blessings beautiful beings!

Today is the super full moon in Scorpio during Taurus season. This makes for an intriguing time. Taurus is ruled by Aphrodite who governs beauty, sensuality and harmony. Taurus is an earth sign so coupled with the goddess of love you think of earthly pleasures, eating strawberries surrounded by wildflowers naked in the sun! Bring Scorpio into the mix and you may have some friction. Scorpio is the sign of sex, death and rebirth.

Ruled by Hades the full moon in Scorpio reflects our shadow side creeping to the surface (since the moon reflects the sun) as we try to enjoy the flowers, fruit and harmony that traditionally this flower moon is supposed to bring. This makes sense when you look at current affairs globally. We want to enjoy the beautiful pleasures this month brings but this supermoon also conjoures up and feeds on a lot of fear, suspicion, manipulation, jealousy, death and self destruction on a global scale. The good news is, Scorpio is also about rebirth, out of the ashes we can rise and create new life. This full Scorpio moon is telling us, things are dark now but soon all this will blow over and we can fully enjoy the flowers again! This super moon is going to amplify your darker and repressed part of ourselves on all levels but they need to come into the light in order for the rebirth to place. Continue reading

Imbolc Blessings and Intentions

“May the blessing of the rain be on you; the soft sweet rain.
May it fall upon your spirit so that all the little flowers may spring up, and shed their sweetness on the air.
May the blessings of the great rains be on you, may they beat upon your spirit and wash it fair and clean, and leave there many a shining pool where the blue of heaven shines, and sometimes a star.”- Traditional Irish blessing.

We now return to Imbolc, light a candle in a private corner of your home. Bring your face close and let its flame dance its teasing warmth across your skin. Track your breath, slow, slow in and slow, slow out, relaxing ever deeper into the physical movements of your body with breath.

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