Alchemy of the Heart Meditation

During lockdown I was a little upset with myself because I felt that I wasn’t able to be of service to help others, I felt useless and selfish. So many people were making free masks, yoga classes online and inspiring content simply to cheer everyone up.

What was I doing? What could I do to contribute? I currently don’t have the space to offer classes online but I do have a soft, calming voice and a talent for writing! So I set myself the task of writing articles for people’s amusement and scripting meditations! It has taken a short while but my first meditation is now up on Sound Cloud. It is not perfect but it is created to a high standard (to the best of my ability, using basic equipment).

I hope to make two, maybe three more meditations (a basic account with Sound Cloud has limited free space) based around pacifying each dosha but also weave visual journeying and goddess archetypes in there too. So mixing Yoga/Ayurveda with mysticism.

This meditation is called Alchemy of the Heart and can be used as a meditative visual journey or for Yoga Nidra.

Connect with Pachamama as Katie recites her beautiful poetic prayer set to sounds of nature. Soon after, you’ll be guided to unlock your heart gate and journey through your heart chambers to discover your messenger animal and inner landscape. Here we will heal emotional wounds, offer forgiveness to ourselves & others, and release that pain back to mother earth who can churn it into soil for further growth and self love. May we blossom when we melt into the alchemy of our hearts.

Script/Narration/Direction: Katie Kalyaani
Audio Editing: Philip Blezard

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