Category Archives: The Musings of a Hedge-Witch

All things strange, wild and magical.

Full Wolf Moon Manifestations

It is now the Full Wolf Moon. What does this mean? Every full moon of each month has a name based on specific folkloric traditions that the people from times gone by used to navigate their livlihood throughout the year.

For example: I was born between the Harvest Moon which is pregant around 24th September and the Hunter’s Moon which is full around the 24th October. The Harvest moon is a time when farmers harvested their crops in preparation for hard winter days ahead. This is a time for pickling, making jams and even knitting. The Hunters full moon is a time of slaughtering livestock before winter hit to save on resources and store meat for bone broths, hot pots and fur for clothing and blankets.

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The Selkie finds her Sealskin


After nearly 7 years living in Plymouth I have left that city….
I’ve always had a bit of an obsession with mermaids and selkies which is why I chose this picture taken by a lovely friend. This image was a complete fluke but it makes me look like a mermaid on the rocks and it fits with the symbolism of such creatures.
Selkies are seal women, similar to mermaids. They can take off their sealskin to walk on land as humans and they do take humans as partners but at a price. They can only remain on land for 7 years before the sea calls back to them. In Jungian psychology the sealskin represents the wild spirit left behind to experience domestic life. In all honesty I’ve grown tired of the life I’ve had in Plymouth, I’ve felt held back, misunderstood, stifled and restrained from evolving into the woman I want to be- the woman I SHOULD be. I’ve always had a wild spirit, I don’t feel I could ever be “a domestic goddess” or someone subservient to “the way things are”. I’m not very good at “knowing my place”. I take after my mother- strong willed, defiant and at times formidable. Some people in the past have tried to tame me, some have attempted to break that spirit, others told me its wrong to be this way and that being “feral” is not to be considered a good thing?- but I think its one of my greatest strengths- I’ll always be called back to the sea or the wild- meaning I’ll never be caged.
I’ve had some good times whilst living in Plymouth though and I’ve made some wonderful memories and friends who I take with me in my heart. Plymouth in many ways is a nice place but its not for me- I’ve never felt fully settled or happy in this city. So what are my plans? Continue reading

Born under the Balsamic Waning Virgo Moon

 Art by MWashburn Art

I’m a Libra with Scorpio rising. My moon is in Virgo and I never truly connected with it or understood it until now. Many interpretations of a Virgo Moon are misguided because they point to the sun sign Virgo and its traits and even then the sign of Virgo is heavily misunderstood because of its association with the word “virgin” in a Western context. And in Western astrology Virgo sun signs are known to be neat and tidy, pedantic, detail orientated and methodical- making Virgos to appear a bit lifeless which is odd to me considering they are an earth sign? So lets look deeper…

In an Eastern context “virgin” means “maiden” as in “not associated with a man”. The word “Virgin” in the past represented a young woman INDEPENDENT from a man. Virgo traits thus represent someone who is greatly independent in all aspects to their life and many individuals with Virgo in their birth chart lean towards a solitary life independent from dealing with relationships. In turn, Virgo sits in my moon and your moon sign rules your deepest emotions. Thus Virgo moons tend to be very private people and enjoy their own company the most. My Libra sun implies at face value I’m sociable and playful but really in my own space and with those closest to me, there is nothing better than being quiet and walking around nude, I greatly enjoy covering my nude body in oils, mud, sand and very natural substances- its when I feel natural and honest. Another aspect to Virgo is the deep, earthy sensuality since this sign is ruled by Demeter, the earth goddess of the harvest. Therefore there is something quite fertile and erotic about this sign! Continue reading

What it means to be a Witch?

What does it mean to be a witch, a priestess, a bruja, a devi? These are all different words to describe the same thing, the same practice and the same way of being. That way of being is walking the path of the goddess, the path of honoring mother earth. It is believing everything in life as sacred or as a lesson to learn, it is knowing death is upon us every day and so we see life as magical.

Witch is a term as shifting and volatile as mercury. Over time it has been an accusation, a slur, a fear, a story, a fairytale, and a costume. But in the beginning, a witch was someone who was recognized as working with healing. A person who had a direct relationship to the medicine of those things we cannot immediately see.

The etymological roots of the word witch are mixed, murky and a bit mysterious. But some scholars argue that witch can be traced back to the Indo-European world weid – which means both “to see” and “to know.”

At the heart, to be a witch doesn’t mean that you manipulate reality to your liking. It means that you can see and call forth manifold possibilities. It means that your perception of reality goes beyond what has been handed to you. And that you can perceive the presence of freedom, and healing, in all things. Continue reading

Nature books for the Green Witch

As a practicing yogi and pagan witch I have, over the years begun to transition into a lifestyle that is slower and in keeping with the energy of the earth. I try to be more conscious of the things I buy, items I no longer need are given away to friends, I recycle, upcycle, mend broken things and I’m vegetarian. But also I’m searching for a deeper connection to a more humble and even primal existence. I feel that relearning old practices that are in harmony with our planet and with our own biorhythms is absolutely necessary for our well being on an individual and global scale. Having knowledge of plant lore and life, of phases of the moon and map of the stars are actually very important, not just to benefit us for when we plant seeds and harvest crops but also for our mental health. When was the last time you stood in a meadow at twilight to marvel at the heavens? When did you stop and enjoy for a moment the rain soaked earth or butterfly’s wings?

I want a life that is stripped back to basics so for my own enjoyment and self initiated learning I’ve been studying books about plants, herbs and the natural world, both from a scientific and mystical point of view and even from an artistic perspective in Botanical illustrations. Studying nature enables me to gain knowledge in foraging, growing herbs and perhaps one day have my own veggie patch. I can then go on to dye clothing using natural colours from flowers, learn traditional remedies and spell work. I imagine myself one day working as a holistic teacher, counselor and artist and coming home to my witchy house! So, here are five books I am loving at the moment as part of my solitary witch practice.

Plants: From roots to riches by Kathy Willis

This is a wonderfully rich resource of information on a huge range of subjects ranging from how classifying plants has changed over the centuries, their economic exploitation, the impact of DNA analysis on classification and improvement of food crops, and perhaps at the centre is the role of Botanic Gardens such as Kew, which undertake scientific research, keep essential plant libraries and seed banks, and now welcome the public to enjoy the beauty of the gardens as well.
It also has chapters on how plants grow, the importance of biodiversity the importance of rain forests and the most significant food crops.
If, like me, you’re interested in most things about plants but not a botanist, this is a terrific book to own, so you can dip into it whenever you want a refresher.
It will date, inevitably, but much of it relates to botanical history and discovery, and it covers the major issues we need to be thinking about as a result of climate change, loss of species, and genetic modification.
It is based on a BBC 4 radio series, and is easy to read, even in the most scientific chapters.

Buy the Book here: Plants: from Roots to Riches

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Season of the Witch

Each season that we enter and cycle through has its own innate medicine and when we can connect into the subtlety of that season and its particular character, we can receive the different medicine that it is bringing to us. Here in the Northern hemisphere we’ve begun that transition into Autumn and eventually into Winter. This is a time when the trees turn, the light wanes and we begin that tip into the corner of the year known as the West. Each of the four cardinal directions have their own innate power and essence and when we align ourselves fully with each season and the direction that season is pointing towards we can then experience so much healing. Our ancestors used to work with the changing of the seasons, the map of the skies and with the phases of the moon so there is something very primal and very instinctual for humans to do this, however we’ve lost that connection due to the modernization of our daily lives.

For me, there is something pretty alluring about the West in particular. Although I’m a summer girl at heart with my love of flowing gowns and dresses, bare feet and warm breezes; Autumn is actually my favourite time of year. As our planet shifts to the West and tumbles into stillness and into darkness, I begin to tap into a more mystical state of mind. This is the season of the witch, the mystic or wise hermit within all of us. It is a time of deep reflection, quietude and the thinning of the veil between our physical world and the other world or as Jung described as the psyche. We are more inclined to sit in a quiet place to read a book by the fire on our days off, than we would in the summer. It is here we sit, think, feel, wonder, journal and contemplate all that’s been and what’s to come. Its about slowing down, or as the Danish call it “Hygge” which is why our consumerist culture of keeping us busy for Christmas is totally out of sync with our biorhythms. Continue reading

6 Books about Natural Magic & Herbalism

I have started to become a lot more interested in the study of herbs and flowers recently. As a little girl I spent a lot of time in nature, writing poetry and reading books whilst walking on my own in my local park on a warm summer’s day or my mum would take my sister and I on day trips to the lake district or the Trough of Bowland, regardless of the weather. I’ve been inspired by nature all my life and I’d spend hours drawing flowers, butterfly wings or feathers at home or in art class at school. At University whilst studying my Fine Art degree I seemed more interested in video and installation art but nature was always present in my videos, from close ups of hands or feet sensually caressing the muddy earth, to giant projections of wild flowers and falling rose petals. Now as my art changes, I’m working directly with nature, foraging for natural objects to create my dream catcher totems.

 I was initiated as a Pagan Priestess  in 2017 immersing myself in that way of life via meditations, rituals and making seasonal altars based on the Pagan wheel of the year and I’m so happy to be living this spiritual path. I’m currently finishing my studies on fitness, yoga and mental health but once again nature isn’t far from my mind. I believe once I’ve achieved all my qualifications in those subjects above, I want to move onto studying plant life, whether I take courses on botany or herbalism or perhaps workshops in foraging or flower arranging, it doesn’t matter to me because whatever I do will inspire my art and my Pagan-Yogic lifestyle. To have knowledge of the earth and such topics like sustainability, being Eco-friendly, growing my own herbs to make herbal teas or creating outdoor classes in which donations give back to an earth based charity would be a dream.

I want more houseplants  and I’m passionate about recycling so our next step is creating our own composter in which our natural food waste won’t go to waste but will supply extra sustenance to our garden and help us make ‘compost tea’ for our houseplants.

That being said, here are six books about herbalism and nature magic I highly recommend if you want to follow a similar lifestyle to me.

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Personality & Soul Tarot Cards

I have recently discovered my personality & soul cards in a Tarot deck. It never before crossed my mind until someone I know mentioned that their soul card is the High Priestess so I wanted to find out mine.
It turns out that my personality card is the Star meaning on the surface I appear aloof, carefree, optimistic, bright eyed and full of wander for the world and maybe a little bit eccentric. I can appear effortless, graceful and full of exuberant creativity. My Soul card is Strength meaning on a deeper level, underneath my seemingly sweet and almost innocent, offbeat persona I have a lot of inner strength which can be confusing to some, how can someone who is outwardly naive to the real world and appears to have lofty ideas with her head in the clouds (or skies) have a deep rooted, practical inner strength?

With both cards, traditionally there are two female characters who are very active in their pursuits so you get a real movement based form of femininity, neither of these women are passive/submissive. With the Star being wild and naked playing with water and Strength taming a lion, these women are a beautiful fusion of creativity and adventure and both women show integrity for their true selves that radiates outwardly for the viewer to see, neither of these women are hiding, their true nature is ever present. I liken the Star to an exhibitionist who may delight in doing naked yoga and Strength could be a female circus performer showcasing her talents as a lion tamer.


The Star sees benign beauty and goodness in nature and herself. She trusts what she sees and leaves it alone. Strength sees the raw, immediate power in nature and in herself. She controls and contains it like a dam works with a river.

Together they are graceful, beautiful, peaceful and strong, with their powers and talents in perfect balance and harmony, and all their virtues at the service of the world. Although a part of me was a tad annoyed I didn’t get ‘The High Priestess’ as any of my cards, because she is a favourite character in the Tarot, I can’t deny that these two cards are actually quite accurate to my personality and inner psyche so I am overjoyed with the outcome.

Read more & find out what your cards are here.

My Tarot Reading with Dale Jackson

I was actually rather surprised at how good this reading was, I didn’t expect it to have any meaning for me what so ever, It was supposed to be a 20 minute’s worth of fun as I didn’t actively seek out a psychic or reader for answers which a lot of people do. Dale is a very lovely lady, very warm, gentle and down to earth. The sort of person who makes time for you even if she may be busy, you feel very welcomed straight away. Her room is covered in books, photos, crystals, porcelain dolls dressed as Gypsies, a gypsy caravan statue and so much more. She is just so lovely, she even offered to teach me more about the Tarot as she saw I already knew the basics and had an interest.

*She allowed me to make notes so that I can blog about the reading here.

She starts the session by figuring out your birth chart in a great big text book full of complicated tables depicting the alignments of the planets.
With the year I was born, the month & the day she told me this:

Sun sign: Libra
Moon: Virgo

Rising: Scorpio
Mars (+ 2 other planets) in Scorpio
3 more planets in earth signs (2 in Virgo & 1 Capricorn)
I also have Sagittarius in Uranus.

This means:
As a Libra I am agreeable, fair and gentle. I try to find balance in every aspect of my life. I am peaceful and Just, always seeking to help others rather than myself. She said “you are a sign of partnership, you learn about the world through sharing part of your life with others and you always think ‘How can I help this person, how can I be a better person for them. Which doesnt always work because then you end up being a doormat, don’t be a doormat Katie, Libra’s are strong women too, in a world of men the Libra woman shines, look at Margaret Thatcher, she’s a Libra, you have the ability to encourage others to do things or be a part of things without raising your voice or making others feel inferior, this is a very powerful leadership quality.”

Moon in Virgo: Raw, earthly sensuality, introverted, but stands out from the crowd- an innocent sensuality. I express myself through my moon sign. “You even have the unruly Virgo locks, like you’ve just made love in a forest or something, just look at your beautiful curls!, even the way you dress is different, a very creative yet gentle soul you are”

Having 3 planets aligned in Scorpio (Mars, Saturn and Neptune) the day I was born means on the inside I am a very deep and mystical person. I have an uncanny sixth sense with an element of suspicion towards others. This is good as it makes me a great detective at sussing out who can be trusted and I am usually always right when I uncover who is being deceptive or toxic. The Scorpio in Mars makes me seductive and sensual towards the opposite sex “Men find you alluring & mysterious which can make women around you jealous.” I am a passionate soul towards the man I love.

Having 3 planets in earth signs (2 of which in Virgo) makes my personality friendly and approachable yet critical. The Capricorn side to me is slightly sceptical about the mystical aspect of my personality and there comes a point where yes I believe in some “other worldly things” but it stops at believing in fairies and the down right bizarre, I need evidence to support such theories. She told me “This is good you have kept grounded and set boundaries but in order for your sixth sense to flourish the Capricorn in you needs to stop rationalizing your gut feelings because they are very strong and you have a tendency to doubt yourself and your intuition, you need to open up more and go with your gut.”

Sagittarius in Uranus: Uranus is the planet of Chaos and Sagittarius is the sign of travel & culture. These 2 mixed together means, I will travel a lot in life and I will enjoy it but expect disruption & chaos.

The Reading:

The first 2 cards are aces. A very good start. The very first card is the Ace of Wands and she said “See; you are a Libra but I see you more as fire and this just confirms it, a gentle burn, wear red more. Deep within you you have bundles of confidence, you are glorious! Your presence is commanding and you burn with so much creativity! Also very big change coming your way between now and Christmas, you will be thrown into a very new & different world, a part of you will think you are not fully qualified but stay confident and keep your flame burning, you do have what it takes. Ace of wands means action, ‘what’s in it for me’, new projects, chance. As a Libra you put others before what you want. Now is the time to act and be selfish for a change, be more like Aries which is your opposite sign, they take charge and do what they want, you need to tap into that regardless of what others might say to stop you. The Ace of Wands also works with the Queen of Wands which will be mentioned later in the reading. “I think this is you, you are the Queen of wands” she said.

The Ace of Pentacles works harmoniously with the Ace of Wands. Through action and positive change comes financial gain (pentacles means coins/money). This is a time to do what you want not what is best for others dear Libra. A time to be active, self confident, no holding back, act upon your moon in Leo, express your true self.Can I also say that it is true that for you to be fulfilled you need to do something in life where it has your name behind it. YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO. Do you understand that? Your idea of success is not money, cars, houses, materialistic things. Success to you is knowledge and using that knowledge and your name with your title, YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO. (I laughed and said ‘yes I understand’).

This year (2014), a lucky turn of events will happen, more profit, new & bold adventures unfold, travel, somewhere with a desert?

You need to start attracting others like yourself, be bold, do not be afraid to show your individuality. Attract people with strong & creative auras like yourself. Rid yourself of those who dampen your spirit and have weak auras, they are like cobwebs to you, don’t let them drag you down, put them in the past.

The Moon card comes up around Christmas, an aspect of The Star and Death Card. You need to close a part of your lifestyle and put it in the past. There is a death of something about to be put in your past, let it happen. In order for the new to arrive something (not someone) needs to die. This is a new you and your new world. Also be a little bit guarded and on the defensive, bring out the intuitive & suspicious Scorpio in you, look into the underworld and be discrete when sussing an individual out for someone is being shadowy & deceptive around you. You are surrounded by jealousy, you need to toughen up. This is a time to be private, be careful who you trust, be the dark soul, be like a hermit from within. You will close that door 4 months on, and you will be ruthless because of what you have uncovered. Don’t let others know of your private life and finances, be a bit more distrusting over who wants to know your business. I replied “I already am, a lot of this is already happening, I am sussing out who is untrustworthy already”.

The Hermit Card Outwardly you’ll still be exuberant and vivacious. Inwardly you’ll be like the Hermit by not letting the nosey into your business. A time for Privacy whilst looking back in time and shaking off all those Gremlins.

The Empress combined with The Queen of Wands depicts me in a new found state of grace, calm confidence yet reflective. A very strong woman you are and you will feel it soon to.

Wheel of Fortune Card Tie up loose ends, look forward, new projects (I keep getting this in my readings recently). A great change is on the horizon, it has been a slow process and you have felt like nothing is moving, it has and now it will hit you like a tornado. This has not been a steady or gradual change which is hard for you because you are methodical, but now this new change will come at you like a gust of wind, hold onto your hat!

Prince of Cups: This is a man, a moody Pisces around you. He wants to talk to you but not sure how, he is up and down in his mind most of the time and finds communication difficult. Watch out there is no undertone, he wants to talk and level with you. Don’t let this person drain you. He is a water sign and will put your fire out if you let him. You are a Libra and with that have been agreeable around him so not to stir commotion, you now need to stand up for yourself, don’t let him take your energy, your fire. Evaporate his water, do not let someone dampen your spirits and be agreeable for the sake of peace. Take initiative, change the picture.

The Star Card: A lovely card, wish upon a star, try something different. This is an international picture, this is the world wide web but first check legal side to it first. New people, wild card, eccentric, different, not your usual boring lifestyle, start thinking big about your life and your career. You could be a little star in this big world, push yourself and keep confident. The Star also represents something of a charitable nature to your career which co-insides with you as a Libra wanting to help others, on a personal note it is also something to do with understanding human behaviour, helping someone in a psychological area, that someone needs to take their medication to start getting better, they need you right now to help them see the light in the dark world that is surrounding them.

The Knight of Cups: depicted on the card as an Angel of Love and this man is just that. A very kind man who could make a good father, green eyes but look dark? That’s unusual isn’t it? Green eyes that look dark? He will come into your life through a friend.

End Card, Queen of Cups: A state of grace, a wonderful card to end with for a Libra Lady- You can and will walk on Water. This mermaid can live in a lovely peaceful lake.
You have a lot of fire cards (wands) and Queen Cards in this reading. A very positive reading this is, yes there will be a time of shadow between now and Christmas but it is the fire in you that will combat it. You have a lovely warm glow in your aura, don’t let other dampen it, you will stay strong like these Queens and you will take command and control over what you want for a change. You will cut away from people you don’t want in your life and keep up your confident spirit for there is great change coming very soon.


© 2014 sunflowerteeth & Dale Jackson.