Third and final article about crystals for your dosha. This has been a playful series finding crystals to soothe each dosha- whether Vata, Pitta or Kapha.
These three constitutions are used in the healing system of Ayurveda to help a person find balance in their mind-body and within their lifestyle.
Pitta types are driven, confident, quick to anger, are warm-bodied, tend to sweat a lot, super active, super strong digestive system and prone to skin irritations. If out of balance their mind-body overheats hence why they tend to have sore acne and other inflammations in the body.
Most people are a combination of two doshas out of the three, I recommend taking an online questionaire to have a basic idea of what you are. This can also help you discover what foods to avoid, best sleep patterns and good activities to help you find balance. Continue reading