Croatia: 2 days in Rijeka

Rijeka was both a relief & a slight disappointment. A relief because it felt good to be out of our drenched clothing. After Plitvice we jumped on the last bus at 9pm and headed to Karlovac to jump on another bus to Rejika, needless to say we arrived at our hotel in the early hours of the morning. We had spent over 12 hours in cold, damp clothing and we were desperatley looking forward to hot showers. It was a disappointment because the weather for the last 2 days of our holiday were gloomy, our hotel was noisy and there isn’t much to do in Rijeka. However when we booked our flights we knew Rijeka was going to be our least favourite destination, we booked to fly out from this place because it was cheap and it enabled us to travel up the Dalmation coast in order to visit amazing places around Croatia. Ideally we would have loved to have finished up in Zagreb which is the capital but flying out from Zagreb was expensive.

For our last 2 days we opted to stay in a Botel (a boat converted into a hotel) we thought this would be a quirky aspect to our trip, I mean it’s not everyday you get to say you stayed in a botel! It was a cheap novelty but so noisy, not only did we unfortunatley have a room opposite the most vocal family ever known to man with an energetically loud tween and screaming toddler (this toddler continued to cry & scream during breakfast-clearly very spoilt) but right next door on another boat, someone decided to have a giant, extravagant birthday party in the middle of the week until 4am! The manager of our botel was as surprised as we were and told us “That party boat doesn’t usually allow for parties until the weekend” and he did go over there to try and tell the party to turn the music down. It would not surprise me in the slightest that that boat party was hired by some spoilt rich kid celebrating their 18th and has absolutley no care for anyone else but themselves. However me being the up-beat & positive person in the relationship I always look on the bright side and to be honest, no holiday is perfect, things go wrong and you just treat it as a learning curve. It was fun to stay in a Botel and there were aspects to Rijeka that were charming and therefore it is worth visiting this city for a day or two.





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Fearless Dreamer on Yogi Approved

My 2nd article has now been published! I am really proud of this piece for many reasons. Firstly I wanted to show people my writing style and it is only recently I found out this style has a name and is called “Prose Poetry” which according to wikipedia it is: poetry written in prose instead of using verse but preserving poetic qualities such as heightened imagery, parataxis and emotional effects. Prose poetry should be considered as neither primarily poetry nor prose but is essentially a hybrid or fusion of the two, and accounted a separate genre altogether.
I have been writing this way since forever and I think my entire lifestyle has a sense poetry to it, even my dreams are poetic so it kind of fits me. Secondly you may notice a rebellious streak hidden in some of the verses, this is slightly targeted at certain people around me who live a certain way (which is fine if that makes them happy) but when they try to project their lifestyle onto me, to try to change me, it is a massive bugbear- No I don’t care about your expensive sofa and I am not interested in making more money or discussing my hours at work, what part of ‘That is not the real me’ don’t you understand? I have countless interests and I am working on many things, talk to me about any of them, pick one-it’s not rocket science! Phew!

Also these words I wrote are true to me in so many ways, I do wear odd socks, I talk to my house plants and I have met ‘soul mates’ in the strangest of places. I think it is important to always be yourself regardless of what society thinks. Yes, I do live in this superficial, consumerist world but that does not mean I am brain washed by it. And lastly, I wrote this in honour of my Auntie Carol (My Mum’s eldest sister) who lead a tragic life and died in a psychiatric hospital at the age of 60. When my Aunt was younger she was an incredible playwrite and poet and she even had two of her poems published in a book. Some family members have commented that I look like her with my jet black wild, curly hair and that parts of my personality resemble her because she was quirky and very artistic. So this piece is dedicated to my Aunt.
To view my latest article click on this link: I am a Fearless Dreamer
I am super stoked the editor loved this piece (including the quote which is actually mine) because it did come from my heart and I hope you guys like it too. I am currently working on my 3rd piece and the editor of Yogi Approved is featuring me alongside other writers as an inspiring contributor so stay tuned for that!

Croatia: Plitvice Lakes

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Plitvice (Pronounced Plitvica) Lakes National Park is one of the oldest national parks in Southeast Europe and the largest national park in Croatia and in 1979, Plitvice Lakes National Park was added to the UNESCO World Heritage register.
The national park was founded in 1949 and is situated in the mountainous karst area of central Croatia, at the border to Bosnia and Herzegovina. The national park is world famous for its lakes arranged in cascades. Currently, 16 lakes can be seen from the surface. These lakes are a result of the confluence of several small rivers and subterranean karst rivers. The lakes are all interconnected and follow the water flow. They are separated by natural dams of travertine, which is deposited by the action of moss, algae, and bacteria. The lakes are renowned for their distinctive colors, ranging from azure to green, grey or blue. The colors change constantly depending on the quantity of minerals or organisms in the water and the angle of sunlight.

Through different climatic influences and the large difference in elevation within the protected area, a multifaceted flora and fauna has been created. The national park area is home to many endemic species. Those species that prevailed at the lakes before the arrival of man still exist. I have been to numerous National Parks around the UK & parts of Europe & I believe Plitvice Lakes is the most beautiful place I have seen. Plitvice is place from a fantasy novel.

We travelled to Plitvice after our 3 days of Split, we very nearly did not go, almost opting for another day mooching around Split. However at the last minute we changed our minds and stayed over night in a Cabin-like guest house in the woods of Plitvice Jezera. This part of Croatia has a very Austrian feel to the culture as oppose to the South where Dubrovnik is situated which has a very Italian feel which makes sense considering the South of Croatia has been very popular with Italian tourists and the further North you go in Croatia it boarders Slovenia,Hungary & Austria.

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Wild & Free Outtakes

I want to share some photos from the day of the shoot because not many people realise that in order to get that one amazing shot, a photographer and the model can go through hundreds of different images. Also when I do work with a photographer I tend to choose someone who doesn’t rely heavily on photoshop, I like to look natural so what you see in the final image is me as I am and all that was tweeked was colour enhancement of the veils and my furrowed brow (from the sun being in my eyes) was edited out. I played a lot with how the veils were held in correlation to the direction of the wind. It was a fun few hours on Wembury beach. I enjoyed the fresh breeze, the warmth of the sun and the smell of sea salt.
 Photos copyright Jon Roberts

If any UK readers want to attend my 4 hour intensive belly dance/dance movement/chakra healing workshop here is the link to the facebook events page:
Wild & Free Event

Wild & Free

So here is one of two big announcements! It was so difficult keeping this a secret until the opportune moment; I really wanted to wait until the poster was completed because I enjoy using words and images together as it is a bit more professional and powerful. Some people kept wanting me to just announce this news without the poster but it didn’t feel right and I always dislike telling people things with just words, it looks weak to me, like there is something vital missing?

This workshop is going to be a fusion of dance movement therapeutics, tribal belly dance, chakra healing (primarily the root & heart chakras) plus meditation and some simple Yoga stretches. So these women are in for a real treat and I hope they come away feeling beautiful, powerful and light as a feather. I entitled this workshop “Wild & Free” for numerous reasons, mainly because a lot of women feel restrained in their daily life situations or by their minds which have been programmed by social conditioning since childhood and yet, at their core have that gorgeous primal, wild energy locked away in their hearts and I want to encourage a metamorphosis to set that primordial energy free. The Heart is the most expansive energy, it’s bigger than the brain so unlocking that love and your wild self is truly liberating. You are your best self when you can be wild and free.

I have worked really hard to get to this point in my life and career, I spent months planning & prepping for this one workshop but also studied a years worth of professional development in order to run therapeutic dance classes, workshops and retreats. I have great knowledge in mental health & eating disorders, nutrition, creative therapies, the anatomy of the body, somatics, dance leadership, the Chakras and Yoga Philosophy in order to lead holistic workshops tailored to healing the mind, body and soul. If anyone is interested in attending my workshop, please get in touch via my contact page! If you want to attend one of my workshops but can’t get to Glastonbury or maybe you want to host me in your area then lets talk! I am already planning to run workshops in Plymouth and other parts of Devon in the UK and I am discussing potential workshops in Cyprus & Bulgaria in the future.


Croatia: day trip to Milna

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Milna is a small village on Brac Island off the coast of Split. We chose this beautiful sleepy village for a day trip instead of Bol because Bol is a massive tourist destination and hundreds of people would have been clogging up the beach and ruining the surrounding natural beauty. I do always try to avoid Touristy hotspots as it tends to ruin my day. Who wants to spend hours contained in a place full of screaming children, tomatoe burned Brits and miles of trash all over the sand? Not me. As an unconformist, I tend to try and venture to places unspoiled and peaceful.

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Shewolf Belly Dance

This video of my latest performance was a challenging one for me, as it represents a side to me I have repressed for a long time and I wanted to set it free. In many ways I am a force of nature, I don’t conform to social expectations & I’ll never be obediant to anyone (unless respected). This performance involves me invoking the Wolf as a spirit animal and enjoying being very primal & earthy, and just like a Shewolf I can be solitary & private, although very loving & loyal to those closest to me. I performed at the Medicine Music Festival in Glastonbury and it was so much fun, I was surrounded by such lovely and encouraging people and I had my Aura photographed. It was a proper Hippie Festival full of magic and oddities, just utterly delightful!

The feedback I received was nothing but complete enthusiasm and support, people were approaching me telling me I bewitched them, that they have seen numerous belly dancers and yet none as good as me, asking if I teach and would I consider running workshops? I told them it is all in the pipe line with a lot more to offer! This is exciting times for me and I will be announcing some awesome news very soon! In the mean time, do have a watch of my dance video and I hope you guys love it as much as I loved performing it.


Croatia: 3 days in Split

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After Dubrovnik we hopped on a coach and travelled up the coast to our next destination: Split. The distance between Dubrovnik and Split about 215 km following the coastal road and can take between 4 to 6 hours depending on traffic. We based ourselves in Split for 3 days and one of those days we ventured to a nearby island called Brač which I will blog about separatley next week. Split, upon first arrival appears modern and geared towards families on a budget holiday or for the individual who enjoys the nightlife. Along the promanade lie a row of take-away food stalls & souvenir shops selling plastic buckets and spades, beach balls and keyrings. On the opposite side of the road display an impressive port where large ferries and ships come to dock-I have never seen such huge ships up close and wanted to compare my tiny physique against such a grand vehicle.
Our holiday appartment was clean and modern and very spacious. The landlady gave us a complimentary bottle of wine on arrival plus had the cleaning lady do our washing at no extra cost. Split is perhaps a little rough around the edges and has a very contemporary & young feel to it in comparrison to Dubrovnik. It is quite vibrant at night with numerous bars and cafes playing loud music to entice tourists to enjoy a few cocktails and stalls & the art market remain open until 11pm; whereas Dubrovnik, (other than Jazz and Blues bars) calms down as the sunsets.

Croatia Split






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Belly Dancing at the Bread & Roses, Plymouth


Here it is guys!  This video does not show the full performances but gives you an idea of the atmosphere and the drum solos I danced to so I hope you like it. I loved performing at the Bread & Roses because the whole place and the crowd had a bohemian, artsy vibe and I felt very welcomed & supported.

On other news, I have finished my Business & Admin course and will be taking a mini break from study to concentrate on my dancing and working on some illustrations. In June I will be starting the Dance Therapy course and potentially a level 2 in ‘Fitness Instructing’ which is exciting! I still have the secret surprise to tell you all so I am patiently waiting for the opportune moment I can announce the news…Stay Tuned!

Day trip to Montenegro from Dubrovnik

It’s not very often you get to say that whilst on holiday in a very beautiful country that you get to spend a day in another very beautiful country; But that is what we did. On the third day of staying in Dubrovnik we decided to book with an excursions and tour company to go on a day trip to Montenegro, we were not disappointed! Croatia is stunning and Montenegro is similar to Croatia however it’s beauty is magnified by hundred, this place is a little piece of heaven surrounded by lush mountains and lakes. Even the locals here are beautiful, their beauty is effortless and organic, no wonder many Montenegrin women become models! We almost booked another day trip to Bosnia however we sadly ran out of time plus needed to keep to our spending budget. During the day trip we spent time in three separate places and it really gave us a taster of what Montenegro has to offer. That being said, our guide even stated that Montenegro is rather small as a population in comparison to the country and it’s civilians are proud of that because they try to keep population numbers under control to prevent further industrialization or development of towns, they want to keep Montenegro largely unspoiled and natural. The majority of Montenegro is covered by lush mountains, epic lime stone peaks, glacial lakes and nature reserves with only a few small towns dotted in between. So it is safe to say we did actually get to see the majority of Montenegro in the space of one day however I do recommend slightly longer stays if you fancy going further afield and trekking in the national park where wildlife such as bears and wolves are dwelling.

Our first stop was a pit stop to view ‘Our lady of the Rocks’ which is one of the two islets off the coast of Perast in Bay of Kotor, Montenegro. It is an artificial island created by bulwark of rocks and by sinking old and seized ships loaded with rocks. The Roman Catholic Church of Our Lady of the Rocks is the largest building on the islet; it has a museum attached. There is also a small gift shop close to the church and a navigation light at the western end of the islet. According to legend, the islet was made over the centuries by local seamen who kept an ancient oath after finding the icon of Madonna and Child on the rock in the sea on July 22, 1452. Upon returning from each successful voyage, they laid a rock in the Bay. Over time, the islet gradually emerged from the sea. The custom of throwing rocks into the sea is alive even nowadays. Every year on the sunset of July 22, an event called fašinada in the local dialect, when local residents take their boats and throw rocks into the sea, widening the surface of the island, takes place.


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