Hello beautiful souls,
It’s been a short while since I’ve updated you all on me so here it is:
Craig and I have now been together for nearly 8 months (wow time flies) and it is the most easy going relationship ever. It just feels good and the energy flows like a river. So we’ve decided I’m going to move to London so we can start a life together
We’ve been living together in his home in Liverpool for the months of lockdown and he’s now gone down to London for further training in the MET (because he has passed his online theory training with flying colours ) and he’s also now hunting for a flat for us. It means we are apart for about a month but absence makes the heart grow fonder and love always finds a way. Craig also said “Its good practice for us for when the time comes that you’re away for weeks on end teaching on yoga retreats. We’ve got this!”
Like my time in Bali, I’m just going to surrender and see what happens. I have ideas and plans for my own career path but we’ll see what London has in store for me
As Tabitha Brown says “Coz it’s my business”.
Meaning I’ll forge my own path and if I want advice I’ll ask the person I feel is most appropriate.
Some may not see me living in London because I’m so easy going and I do get overwhelmed by the subway however this is a brilliant move for me to build up my freelance work as a holistic teacher, there will be plenty of yoga studios wanting to hire me who also run their own retreats abroad. There is more scope to find clients who enjoy and prefer private sessions and centres wanting me to faciliate reiki trainings and women’s circles. My time in London will last about a year as we plan to move to the outskirts in order to own a house and see if we can start a family. But still creating and having those work connections and networks will help my freelance teachings blossom.
I’m thankful that I already have beautiful friends waiting for me there as well (and some living just outside of London too) and a few want to create business projects with me which I’m excited to manifest.
I’m excited I’ll soon have a home to call my own (ours) and finally feel settled after living out of boxes and suitcases for 2 years. True to my ancestry with Romani blood pumping through my veins I am a wild Kat and love to roam but I’m also very homey too. Looking forward to having a foundation built on love with this amazing man (who is also beautifully free spirited yet homey too) so that I can also have the freedom to either work abroad or around the U.K. with my offerings and bring clients back to the nest for private/small group sessions. But also just to decorate and have my altars/deities/magical things out of boxes FINALLY.
Lastly I’m finally doing a mini study course on Herbalism as continuing professional development as a yoga teacher and holistic mentor. As a “Wise woman” I want people to feel they can come to me- visit me in my temple (hehe) for simple lifestyle advice whether that’s herbal remedies or yoga for back pain. Or maybe you seek comfort in hearing my voice in meditations and reiki?
Nothing is set in stone but I do wish to develop my knowledge futher in herbalism and ayurveda so I have been looking into ayurvedic massage therapy courses in London. I want to specialise in yoga therapy and wellness for women so I hope to train in Yin yoga and pregnancy yoga in the near future plus potentially doing Birthing Doula training too. Right in this moment though, its all about herbs and flower essences.
I feel really lucky to be loved by this wonderful man who encourages and adores my Witchy ways and who wants a future with me. I am so excited for the next step together and I am thankful you all wish to follow my journey.
Tell me what you are all up to? What are you grateful for? I want to know your stories.