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Beautiful website & blog of yoga teacher Krista Marie Starr.
Stunning Willow Whale sculptures in Bristol.
Super cute & funky Dinosaur Planters, perfect for kids and your inner child!
This imaginative Spanish sculptor discovered a way to knead stones!
You can eat Avovado seeds! This article shows you how.
Groovy & cheerful dance video to ‘No One’ by Alicia Keys, help you get rid of February blues.
I adore this spoken word poet Sarah Kay, here is a current performance.
Speaking of poets, Nayyirah Waheed writes incredibly moving but short prose poetry.
Caroline Anne is an amazing model and gymnast turned yogagirl, check out her instagram here.
Husband plants thousands of flowers for his blind wife, a reminder there is love in the world.


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Artist makes beautiful whale sculptures.
This Etsy shop sells gorgeous handmade Indian shawls and scarves.
An interesting article with useful scripts to help children overcome anxiety.
Currently reading this book about 4 sensuous and remarkable women; totally in love with it!
This song by Rokia Taore is both playful and enchanting, she sounds like a river goddess.
A lovely naked Yogi who celebrates life, nature and her body. Such a beauty!
The art of picnicking in Iran. Interesting read, Iranians are serious, hardcore picnickers.
In the news Canada just saved one of earth’s last temperate rain forests. Well done Canada!
Doctor Patch Adams goes back to Morocco this year for his clowning tour.
Billy Connolly on Fuck Off. In case you guys are having a bad week. it is a lovely pair of words.


Nepal: Life Beneath the Mountains {Video}

Before I do my three final write ups about our time in Nepal, I thought to show you the video Jon created of our time there. It’s a beautiful video and when I watch it I feel like I am transported back to Nepal. It would have been lovely if a video was made of Morocco but never mind. I think with Nepal we had more time to savor a place and get to know some of the locals and so nobody minded us filming plus we could visit somewhere at our own pace. Nepal is a gorgeous country with an enchanting culture and I recommend fellow wanderlusters to visit there. I hope you enjoy the short video!.

I also wrote an article about it on yogi approved
It has also been featured on SonyAlphaRumours.
So far this video has had nearly three thousand views!

Kathmandu: Swayambhunath

Swayambhunath or ‘The Monkey Temple’ was actually our last day in Nepal. After Chitwan, Lumbini and Pokhara we had two days left back in Kathmandu before we flew back to the UK, the second to last day involved a bit of shopping in Thamel and the last was an afternoon at Swayambhunath. The weather by that point was thundery but pleasantly warm; people moan about the rain and say things like “Oh it’s a shame it rained on your holiday.” and I always give them a quizzical look as to why it’s such a shame? It’s actually a very beautiful experience to feel the rain in another part of the world because it is so different to the rain in your home country plus most of our holidays do not involve lying on the beach every day, most destinations we visit are not beachy-cocktail sipping-going lobster red kind of holidays so the rain really isn’t a shame, I love the rain actually, it’s colour and smell is different in every country.

So, the monkey temple was actually my least favourite place in Kathmandu, I hated those monkeys! Literally hated them. Monkeys are one of my least favourite animals, I do not find them cute, most monkey species have their butts on show and they are nasty little buggers. Even as a child I was not impressed by the monkeys or apes at the zoo, I even skip the monkey enclosures. Unfortunately Swayambhunath temple is swarmed by monkeys and these monkeys are opportunists, never hold carrier bags because they will snatch them out of your hands and make sure all strings, toggles, zips, pockets, hoods are neatly packed away because they will attempt to pull on things. The whole time I was walking around Swayambhunath I was extremely nervous, these monkeys follow you in small groups and if you get too close they do snarl and lash out at you. Thankfully the locals keep a pack of dogs up there too, these dogs keep the monkeys from running amok because they are afraid of the dogs. I actually felt like I was being watched and that the monkeys were planning a group attack so I couldnt fully appreciate the beauty of Swayambhunath and the views below without fear of being stalked or attacked by a dirty monkey.



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Kathmandu: Boudhanath




Boudhanath is a 30 minute walk from Pashupatinath. I highly recommend this walk too because you wander through the streets of a local town, you meet people and watch them go about their daily life, you see women in rice fields and kids curiously approach you to speak English to you and ask if you have any chocolate. It’s a relaxed walk and you feel safe. Nearing the entrance to Boudhanath you will get pestered by a woman holding a baby, pleading for you to buy milk or food for her child, this unfortunately is a scam, A Nepali ‘mother’ plays her trade conning tourists to buy over-priced milk for the ‘baby’ (at inflated prices) which she then sells back to the grocer at normal price splitting the profit, so please be hardy and don’t let this scam tug at the heart strings.
You do have to pay to enter Boudhanath because that helps maintain the site. Boudhanath is very small but grand, on entering there is a gigantic stupa in the middle whilst curious tourists and Buddhists on pilgrimages walk around it whilst chanting mantras. Towards the outer area of Boudhanath there are numerous tourist shops offering Mala prayer beads and Tibetan paintings as well as small cafes and restaurants.

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Three year old girl creates stunning abstract art on huge canvases.
These yoga cards for kids are adorable! I was gifted them as a Christmas Present this year.
These dresses are both elegant and sensual, I want one!
Bride jilted at altar quits job, travels around the world and becomes a published Author!
Shena’s expressive movement project with plants and a cat is beautifully strange.
An article discussing the science as to why eating Oysters is an Aphrodisiac, made me blush!
Lets remember the beauty of David Bowie, gosh he was a sexy and talented man.
Treated myself to this beautiful Oracle deck, it’s wild, it’s tribal and has flying Yaks!
This Brazilian couple’s dance choreography is so f*cking sexy, oh my!
An Alaskan Yogi inspires me to travel somewhere snowy because Yoga + snowy landscapes = stunning!

*Above photo: Medieval inspired wedding dress I like.

Personality & Soul Tarot Cards

I have recently discovered my personality & soul cards in a Tarot deck. It never before crossed my mind until someone I know mentioned that their soul card is the High Priestess so I wanted to find out mine.
It turns out that my personality card is the Star meaning on the surface I appear aloof, carefree, optimistic, bright eyed and full of wander for the world and maybe a little bit eccentric. I can appear effortless, graceful and full of exuberant creativity. My Soul card is Strength meaning on a deeper level, underneath my seemingly sweet and almost innocent, offbeat persona I have a lot of inner strength which can be confusing to some, how can someone who is outwardly naive to the real world and appears to have lofty ideas with her head in the clouds (or skies) have a deep rooted, practical inner strength?

With both cards, traditionally there are two female characters who are very active in their pursuits so you get a real movement based form of femininity, neither of these women are passive/submissive. With the Star being wild and naked playing with water and Strength taming a lion, these women are a beautiful fusion of creativity and adventure and both women show integrity for their true selves that radiates outwardly for the viewer to see, neither of these women are hiding, their true nature is ever present. I liken the Star to an exhibitionist who may delight in doing naked yoga and Strength could be a female circus performer showcasing her talents as a lion tamer.


The Star sees benign beauty and goodness in nature and herself. She trusts what she sees and leaves it alone. Strength sees the raw, immediate power in nature and in herself. She controls and contains it like a dam works with a river.

Together they are graceful, beautiful, peaceful and strong, with their powers and talents in perfect balance and harmony, and all their virtues at the service of the world. Although a part of me was a tad annoyed I didn’t get ‘The High Priestess’ as any of my cards, because she is a favourite character in the Tarot, I can’t deny that these two cards are actually quite accurate to my personality and inner psyche so I am overjoyed with the outcome.

Read more & find out what your cards are here.

Kathmandu: Pashupatinath

After Bhaktapur we ventured to Pashupatinath the next day. Pashupatinath is only 12 minutes away via taxi and we spent the morning there. From Pashupatinath you can walk to boudhanath which will be written about in the next blog post. From all the places we visited in the Kathmandu district, Pashupatinath was my favourite because of it’s deep connection to Hinduism and Tantrism. Many places in Nepal have a split belief between Hinduism and Buddhism and walking around neighborhoods of Kathmandu you see numerous stupas dedicated to Buddha and plenty of shrines dedicated to many numerous Hindu gods & goddess and the Nepalese are lovingly devoted to both spiritual beliefs and so there is a peaceful balance and acceptance of both spiritual paths. However Pashupatinath is distinctly Hindu and only a 30 minute walk away Boudhanath is primarily Buddhist.





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Carey Mulligan on turning 30 & being a feminist. I actually really love this woman.
I fancy rereading The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran again.
Genital Mutilation is now banned in Gambia!
This fusion dance video of tribal belly dance, Urban and Indian fusion is f*cking awesome.
This woman’s instagram: The Giving Mom is breathtakingly gorgeous and super inspiring.
Erin Motz’s take on failure through handstand practice, it is all part of the journey to success.
Organic, Vegan & Aromatherapy products as stocking filler gifts in this Etsy shop here.
These Yogi inspired Oracle cards called ‘The Dive in Deck‘ are super cute! Me Likey!
The WWF & Will Young’s ‘love the world’ campaignvideo is stunning & thought provoking.
The Eco-friendly Panchoran Retreat is made of old telephone wires & Bamboo in Bali!

Have a lovely week everyone!

Yogi Approved: Interview with Krista Marie Starr


So the cat is out of the bag! Here is my extra special article with Yogi Approved, that I have been patiently waiting to show you all! This one I am really proud of and so happy with. I plucked up the courage to contact a very lovely Yogi & Yoga Teacher a while back to ask her if she is interested in being interviewed by me; what is the worst that could happen? She says ‘No’ or just ignores my email? No harm done. So I took a chance & Well She said YES! May I present to you my interview with the beautiful & quirky Krista Marie Starr!

Another reason I feel great about this is because this is my 6th published article with Yogi Approved since May 2015 and I have some more on the way for next year involving the Chakras, potentially another interview, a yoga/photography project and a personal story.

So without further ado here is my interview with Krista Marie Starr.