Definition: A female who embodies the ‘yin’ energy. She is nurturing, kind, gentle, loving, and soulful–often going with a more natural Earthy look rather than a glam one.
I’ve always been the good girl, followed the rules and tried to do as I’m told. Followed orders, was a well behaved daughter, the perfect student and obedient girlfriend. It didn’t amount to anything good. All that came of this was allowing others to take away my choices, wants and desires. I felt unheard and invalidated and so my throat chakra closed down. I’ve repressed a lot of who I truly am and what I truly want. I became submissive. For so long I’ve been told what I want doesn’t matter, or I’ve been told to wait and it will be given to me by someone else. The past Katie would nod her head in agreement of the individual’s opinions and so called reasonings. Now I’ve come to realise, a lot has been taken from me and I allowed it because I thought that being dutiful and good and pure would amount to a happy life.
A friend once called me a bird of paradise being treated like a caged common budgie. It’s so hard to heal this wound in my throat and in my heart. To stand my ground and say with fierce conviction: you have no power over me.
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