Author Archives: Kalyaani

Dream Catcher Flower Wreaths

Here is my latest Dreamcatcher-Flower Wreath hybrid (pictured above) for a dear friend who is getting married soon. She wanted Peacock feathers to represent the goddess Hera and I added two bottles with sand, shells and love blessings. There are eight peacock feathers in total since 8 in numerology represents eternity and infinity.

I included two small glass bottles that contain sand and shells from Cyprus and love blessing notes to wish the newly weds a happy marriage and life together.

“Beloved I seek to know you, and I asked the Gods and Goddesses that I be given the wisdom to see you as you are, and love you as a mystery. I will take joy in you, I delight in the love for you. You are to me, the whispering of the tides, and the warmth of the summer’s heat. You are my friend and my lover. Grow old and wise with me, as I will do for you.
There is a life before us of rainbows and sunsets, and a willingness to share in happiness and in sadness. I adore you. I love you.”

– Love Blessing prayer

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Padiham Mini Break

My best friend Nic and I ventured to Padiham for a mini break together. We hadn’t seen each other since Bali in February. Our time together was short, we only had 3 days and 2 nights but we crammed so much into what time we had, that it felt special and meaningful. Every night we were going to sleep at 3am in the morning because we had so much to discuss and on the last night we gave each other a healing session, Nic gave me an Ayurvedic massage and I gave her a Reiki treatment. Both of us brought crystals, our altars, our oracle cards, essential oils and our current favourite witchy books.

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The Healing Powers of a Women’s Circle

New article up with Rebelle Society all about the ancient history of women’s circles, what they are, why they’re important for modern women and my love for the Be Woman Project.

I have had a facination for witches covens, goddess gatherings and priestess temples for so long now. I do feel this is a past life coming through- perhaps I was once an ancient Egyptian Priestess? Who knows? I really wanted to write a piece that discusses the general history of women’s circles in the ancient world, tribal communities and their comeback in Western society.

This is really only an introduction and a guide into this world and I’m working on a Goddess gathering book that includes working with Goddess archetypes in your ciricles and for yourself, meditations, visual journeys, how to create your own circle, art activities for women and other lovely things like making and preparing herbal teas and blends for specific goddess personalities- What would an Aphrodite woman love to drink? Maybe a Saraswati woman loves Oolong? My own poetry and illustrations will be included with mantra and pagan blessings. All kinds of yummy stuff for the modern goddess!

Until then, have a read of this article:

“Her words, like the hum of a bee to the lavender flower; a soft, gentle murmur of devotion and gratitude. Inside her heart walks the goddess — barefoot and shining like a vast ocean unfolding and dancing, as her great eagle wings rise with the moon to kiss the stars.”

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Magic in the Mundane: Being a Persephone woman

“Of course there must be lots of Magic in the world, but people don’t know what it is like or how to make it. Perhaps the beginning is just to say nice things are going to happen until you make them happen.”

“And the secret garden bloomed and bloomed and every morning revealed new miracles.” – Frances Hodgsong Burnett/ The Secret Garden

I truly believe in magic in the mundane, the magic of plants and the subtle body and our connection to everything. I think I always have. I remember being that little girl that talked to trees and collected rose petals to make love potions and perfumes. I remember burying diary entries into the mud and asking the earth to take away my pain. Now I’m older I have a passion for acquiring knowledge on the Chakras and Esoteric Ideas. As well as psychospirituality and Intuitive Herbalism. It is going beyond what ordinary science can teach us and going into the realms of metaphysics. Exploring possibilities of our potential and the potential our own planet posesses too.

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My Reiki Master Level 3 Training

Following the path of Reiki was not something I purposefully pushed for, it kind of just happened and it seems like the more I surrender to the universe and live in the present moment, unexpected and good things have happened to me. This new found practice stems from leaving my ex partner and my life with him in Plymouth, UK. The moment I left everything behind, it felt like I had set sail. Before I knew it I had booked my place on two trainings in Bali I wanted to do and from this balance of desire for what I want and surrender to the big cosmic flow, good people and good moments have been popping into my life like daisies. Things are just happening for me!

My Reiki level one attunment was actually more of a rebellion from my ex. I had just completed a day course in Indian Head Massage to test the waters and to get me on that holistic path. I knew my end goal was to attend a yoga teacher training and I was going to weekly yoga class for two years; but I needed smaller pockets of continuing professional development in the meantime. Indian Head Massage was the first and Reiki level one was the second. All my Reiki attunements have two things in common: One being they happened magically and two being that all have been facilitated by women.

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The Be Woman Project: Durga Devi Circle Training

Jai Mata, Jai Kali, Durga Devi Namo Namaha. Jai Mata, Jai Kali, Durga Devi Namo Namaha. Shakti Kundalini, Jagadumbe Mata! Shakti Kundalini, Jagadumbe Mata!

Upon finding her seal skin, the Selkie is now in search of her sisters to take her back to the sea, back to her true self. She searches high and low and sings a sweet song to the animals for help. She asks dragonfly and blackbird who tell her to board a plane. She asks horse and dog who tell her to leave behind unwanted belongings, she speaks to frog and newt who tell her to meet their cousin Gecko in Bali. “There you will meet your sisters, and there you will know your heart.” they say. The Selkie brings her best friend Phoenix along to experience the journey too!

Having just left a long term partnership and life back in Devon, UK in the summer of 2018 and with no responsibilities and a small lump sum of savings. I took a calculated risk to do something big, beautiful and life changing for myself and that was to go to Bali and attend a Women’s circle facilitator training with The Be Woman Project in February 2019. I spent the summer months living with friends and working super hard to save up and left Plymouth in the beginning of December. I lived with family over the winter months and left for Bali on the 23rd February with my best friend. It was our first holiday together made extra special because she was granted a scholorship on the Be Durga training. I couldn’t afford to pay for everything but I wanted her to experiance this training, she’s done so much for me over the years and with Sharada’s help, I was able to bring her. We didn’t actually get to spend a lot of time together but that was OK, both of us are very individualistic and at times desire our own space to reflect on things, we shared the same room but I wanted her to have the freedom to make friends and have her own unique experience without me attached to her hip. We did manage to get a few pictures together though.

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Beautiful Coffee Table books for people who love Flowers

Over this past year I have become ever so fascinated by the world of plants and flowers. I believe my love for flowers grew when I spent two months in Bali. The Balinese include flowers in their every day offerings, they create beautiful flower offerings called Canangs to their family temples, deities, elementals, their homes and more. Bringing flowers into daily life is considered a sacred act. This had a profound effect on me spiritually. But before my time in Bali I was developing my skills in botanical illustration and I’ve started keeping a nature journal, alongside this I am also learning about the healing effect of plants and how to make my own remedies, teas and tinctures.

I have chosen five very beautiful books that will quite happily sit on your coffee table for you to leisurely read on a rainy afternoon or for guests to flip through whilst you’re preparing a friendly meal.

Britain’s WildFlowers by Rosamond Richardson

From hedgerows to meadows, wildflowers can be found throughout our green and pleasant land. In this book, journalist and garden writer Rosamond Richardson traces the history and myths behind each flower to discover the fascinating ways in which the plants were used. Discover which flower used as a medieval lie-detector to test the innocence of suspected criminals, or stuffed in the shoes of Roman centurions to prevent damage to their feet as they marched. From periwinkles, beloved of Chaucer, and the oxlips and “nodding violet” growing in the forest of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the book celebrates the important role wildflowers have played in literature, as well as their uses in food and medicine, and the history, myths, and tales behind each species. This book is a celebration of the bountiful history behind Britain’s beloved wildflowers and is perfect for anyone with an interest in gardening, history, or the natural world. Buy the book here: Britain’s Wildflowers

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A Hymn of Love to the Earth

It took almost two years to find the time to finish this prose poem and I finally completed it and its now published on Rebelle Society. Already people who have read this poem are astounded at how I use words, to be honest it comes naturally to me, I have such strong visions, dreams and thoughts in my mind, which is why I struggle to sleep some nights and why I keep a note book by my bedside. Its as if fairies fly to me at night and whisper magical words in my ear.

This poem is extra special to me because not only is it a prayer to mother earth it is also a glimpse into my heart, how I am in relationships. You can feel the detail and the textures, the sensuality in the language tickles your skin and makes you purr. There is a sacred sensuality running through the entire piece.

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Dream Catchers in the Prayer tree, Coffs Harbour

This is Emerald beach and it will hold a special place in my heart for many reasons. When I was 15 years old I dreamed I walked on a beach exactly like this one and on the rocks stood a Hindu woman wearing an orange and red sari. This dream was so vivid, it was as if I was there and it left a lasting impression on me, that I even created an entire art installation for my Fine Art degree in my mid 20’s, in honour of that dream and of that woman for it really cemented my spiritual practice. I believe in dreams, destiny, synchronicity and every day magic.

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An Interview with Sharada, founder of the Be Woman Project

I’ve known my teacher Sharada for about a year now. I’ve attended two of her women’s circle trainings and I am now one of her instagram and social media managers, some day soon I’ll be taking on board the job of blog manager for the Be Woman Project too and I’ll be mentoring on her next Be Durga training in Bali next year! I truly love what she is creating and growing for women and I’ve wanted to be a part of a sisterhood for a long time, so to be a part of the team.

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